Managing MS Symptoms with ‘Deep Relaxation’ Paraliminal

“The Deep Relaxation Paraliminal has been key to managing the effects of MS for the past 25 years. A 32-minute listening session and I am able to continue with my day.”

Managing MS Symptoms with ‘Deep Relaxation’ Paraliminal

Find Your Bliss Amid Shopping Stress

A lot of things can tax the heart—including stressful shopping. But you can will yourself into a light-hearted space quickly. Whenever you’re stressed out, use a simple technique to relax your body and shift your emotions so you feel energized instead.

Find Your Bliss Amid Shopping Stress

Fighting “Fight or Flight”

The primal need to survive is alive and well. Anyone who fears public speaking has experienced it. The sweaty palms and racing heart are clear adrenaline signals. But you can learn to control and channel their crippling effects and confidently communicate your ideas to anyone with ease.

Fighting “Fight or Flight”

Feeling Entitled Can Boost Your Creativity

Research suggests people who feel more entitled value being different from others and are more likely to break from convention and think outside the box. Learn a technique to create a deeper sense of worthiness and trust in your own unique abilities.

Feeling Entitled Can Boost Your Creativity

Exercise Your Bounce-Back Muscles

Navigating around—and through—life’s speed bumps is essential on the journey to achieve your goals. And every aspect of your character is designed to support you. Learn how to surrender to the infinite universe, and your inner coach, to help guide your way.

Exercise Your Bounce-Back Muscles

Embrace Change at Every Level

Are you getting in your own way of achieving your goals? Perhaps you’re not clear about what you want. Or at some level, you may not be “all in” on your desire. Discover a technique to help you instill the behaviors that will ensure your success.

Embrace Change at Every Level

Don’t Let Fear of Missing Out Derail You

Fear of missing out is a real thing. While the aim of social media is to bring people together, research shows it can further anxiety and feelings of life dissatisfaction. Learn how you can reframe negative thoughts and emotions to support your mental health and well-being.

Don’t Let Fear of Missing Out Derail You

Difficulty Falling Asleep

Discover how to still your mind for a good night’s sleep. Learn how improving the flow of energy in your bedroom can shift the frequency of your brain waves so you sleep and dream like a baby.

Difficulty Falling Asleep

Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude for Better Health

Appreciation opens the heart and enriches your health. Research proves engaging in a regular gratitude practice can improve mental health and sleep, reduce inflammation in the body, and boost relationships. Learn how journaling expands your capacity for loving-kindness.

Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude for Better Health

Creating Value and Financial Abundance

There’s a strong correlation between service rendered and money earned. What kind of value are you creating—for yourself, your family, your employer, and your community? Discover how to bring your talents and gifts to the world as the full expression of your deepest values.

Creating Value and Financial Abundance

Creating a Life That Matters

What gives your life meaning? Research confirms that people who are guided by a clear sense of purpose enjoy greater satisfaction in life. Passion is energizing. It helps you overcome any setbacks and challenges along the way to achieving enduring success.

Creating a Life That Matters

Create Your Ideal Money World

Your beliefs and attitudes about money can affect your financial, mental, and emotional well-being. Learn a process to change your stories about money and create a new mindset that allows you to earn, save, and grow your financial resources.

Create Your Ideal Money World