After listening to Ideal Weight for two weeks, I have lost two pounds. I feel sure that I can now lose the rest of the extra weight. I don’t feel as obsessed with food, so it’s easier to eat less.

I don’t feel as obsessed with food

After listening to the Ideal Weight Paraliminal, I no longer crave the same foods for breakfast. I used to crave a large breakfast consisting of eggs, bacon, potatoes, or French toast. Now, I am satisfied with cereal or a bagel.

I no longer crave the same foods

Using the Ideal Weight Paraliminal has helped me to gradually lose weight by making better choices on a daily basis in the foods I eat and the exercises I do. I have noticed an improvement in my relationships and how people respond to me because of my improved confidence. I am beyond grateful that there

Helped me to gradually lose weight

Having Paraliminals in my bedside table is like having money in the bank. They’re always there should I need them. I have lost nearly 20 pounds while listening to Ideal Weight, and it is a wonderful adjunct to a sensible diet and exercise program. I listen to alternating sides each day for the best effect.

I’ve lost nearly 20 pounds

I am so pleased with the Paraliminals I have already listened to, and am very excited to dig into the remaining ones that interest me. I have lost 3 pounds after listening to Ideal Weight just 3 times. I feel so energized, refreshed, and relaxed after listening. I feel good in my body and about

I feel good in my body and about myself