“When I did the Positive Relationships Paraliminal I wanted to change the relationship I had with my dad. He constantly annoyed me. After only a couple times listening to it, the annoyance faded, and it seems I don’t focus on it hardly ever anymore. Amazing.”
Success Stories. What people say.
“My favorite Paraliminals are Power Thinking and Automatic Pilot. I listened to Automatic Pilot because I felt certain goals I had were too daunting and impossible for me to accomplish. Now, I’m writing a book. It’s incredible how this inner shift led me to do something I once felt was just too much or too
“The Paraliminals have made me feel better and more confident in various areas of my life. The amount of money I have on hand has also increased effortlessly. My attitude toward money is changing for the better more and more, and I am having more pleasant relationships with the people I meet with daily. All
“Because of the coronavirus my anxiety was through the roof! I was out of my mind about going back to school to teach in person, and listening to Anxiety-Free every day transformed my anxiety into excitement! Whenever I feel worried that I might be sick, I listen to Perfect Health, and I wake up fine!