“Two Paraliminals are my favorites. Get Around To It is great because when I get home and am not motivated to get much done, I listen to this and I am quickly able to get up and go. I am truly surprised at what I actually get done, especially those tasks that I don’t like
Success Stories. What people say.
“I have used Paraliminals for various reasons depending on what was going on in my life at the time. The most effective was Get Around To It. I had decided to make some significant and challenging changes to my working life, which affected my family and finances. These changes required difficult decisions and actions. Get
“I didn’t know how to encourage myself until I started listening to Paraliminals; they help me ‘practice’ each time I listen and be more thoughtful about what I want. I particularly like Fresh Start, New History Generator, Personal Genius, and Self-Esteem Supercharger for this. I also get loads of help using Get Around To It
“Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by limiting thoughts in specific areas, and to address these issues, I use Paraliminals targeted to them. For example, I bought a program in 2018 but I failed to implement it because of procrastination in resolving a computer glitch. On March 11, 2020, I decided to check the Paraliminals I bought