“I found stuck emotions and limiting beliefs started to flow as I listened to Five Elements Healing. It gave me an awareness of something in the past I needed to let go. Truly an opportunity to make a new choice!”

Emotional Release and New Awareness with ‘Five Elements Healing’ Paraliminal

“Overcoming Overwhelm is a masterpiece of Paul Scheele’s work, condensing his best thoughts for improving your mood, refocusing your perspective, and refreshing your day. I’m listening to Finding Treasure every day. Those 20 minutes feel like a mini expedition into the riches of my own mind.”

Mood Improvement and Mental Riches with Paraliminals

“My marriage was on the rocks, and because of the Finding Treasure Paraliminal my marriage is getting stronger day by day. Other relationships are improving as well. With Intuition Amplifier I am able to access and listen to my intuition, taking the right steps and making better decisions much quicker too. With Talking to Win

Strengthening Relationships and Decision-Making with Paraliminals

“I first used Paraliminals when my late husband died to help with grief. I listened to Happy for No Reason and Fresh Start. Both were very effective over time in helping me move forward.”

Healing from Grief and Moving Forward with Paraliminals

“After my wife died, I needed encouragement and emotional support. Talking with my close friends helped and so did listening to the Five Elements Healing and Fresh Start Paraliminals.”

Finding Emotional Support and Healing with Paraliminals