Meet the Master of the Genius Mind

Paul R. Scheele, PhD
“Everyone has an inner genius just waiting to be awakened,” says the creator of Paraliminals. Paul is an expert on learning how to access the other 90 percent of the mind that so often remains untapped.
He has helped millions of people as co-founder of Minneapolis-based Learning Strategies. He guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives and those facing the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being.
Paul R. Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, hypnosis, and accelerated learning.
Paul has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals here on MINDTRX. Others include PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute, Genius Code, Abundance for Life and Future Mapping.
Paul also authored three books: PhotoReading, Natural Brilliance, and Drop Into Genius. His works have been translated into 18 languages and have sold in 185 countries. His teachings allow people to go beyond what the logical mind believes possible.
As a professional hypnotist in his early 20s, Paul realized that his real work was not to put people into trance but to awaken people from the self-limiting, self-defeating trances they are in. Paul found there is a vast untapped resource of the nonconscious mind, which lead to the development of Paraliminal learning technology. Paul’s unique combination of expertise includes a bachelor’s degree in Biology, a master’s degree in Learning and Human Development, and a doctorate in Leadership and Change.
Paul is a founding member of the Transformational Leadership Council and founder of the Association of Transformational Leaders. He is also co-founder of the International Association of Himalayan Yoga Meditation Societies International.