Appreciation opens the heart and enriches your health. Research proves engaging in a regular gratitude practice can improve mental health and sleep, reduce inflammation in the body, and boost relationships. Learn how journaling expands your capacity for loving-kindness.

Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude for Better Health

There’s a strong correlation between service rendered and money earned. What kind of value are you creating—for yourself, your family, your employer, and your community? Discover how to bring your talents and gifts to the world as the full expression of your deepest values.

Creating Value and Financial Abundance

What gives your life meaning? Research confirms that people who are guided by a clear sense of purpose enjoy greater satisfaction in life. Passion is energizing. It helps you overcome any setbacks and challenges along the way to achieving enduring success.

Creating a Life That Matters

When you infuse your goals with powerful emotions, you activate an amazing system in your brain to help you achieve them. This tool filters out what you don’t need and lets in those ideas and resources that will allow you to succeed.

Create Powerful Affirmations for Self-Discipline

Your ability to welcome and feel any emotion—pleasant or unpleasant—can lead to greater happiness and well-being. Use a simple technique that allows you to let go of the need to control any unpleasant feeling, quiet your mind, and open you to a new state of expansiveness.

Any Emotion Can Lead to Happiness

Research proves being “young at heart” can have positive effects on your cognitive ability and life satisfaction. Strengthen youthful traits of curiosity, creativity, playfulness, and joy. Use a simple technique to embrace your inner child and make the most of every day.

Age is a State of Mind