with Dr. Paul R. Scheele

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Paul R. Scheele, PhD

Paul Scheele, PhD, is an acclaimed innovator within the fields of neuro-linguistic programming, whole mind learning, preconscious processing, hypnosis, and accelerated learning. As co-founder of Learning Strategies, he has designed and developed over one hundred programs to stimulate personal and professional success, including the Paraliminals on the MINDTRX app. Others include “PhotoReading at 25,000 words a minute,” “Genius Code,” “Abundance for Life” and “Future Mapping.” Paul guides people to meet critical challenges in their own lives and those facing the world. And he helps them achieve extraordinary results in their relationships, work, finances, health, and spiritual well-being. He is the author of “PhotoReading,” “Natural Brilliance,” and “Drop Into Genius.”

Mary Morrissey

Mary Morrissey has invested the last 40 years studying the art and science of transforming dreams into results. She’s the founder of the Brave Thinking Institute and author of two best-selling books, “No Less Than Greatness” and “Building Your Field of Dreams.” Mary has addressed the United Nations, co-convened weeklong meetings with His Holiness The Dalai Lama, and met with President Nelson Mandela in South Africa. Her teachings empower people worldwide to achieve new heights of meaning, purpose, aliveness, and authentic success.