I have used Paraliminals to help with more confidence and assurance in myself. After only a few sessions I found I was able to feel an ease in conducting myself. Any issues I experienced were quickly resolved and I found I was much happier in myself.

Happier in myself

I use Paraliminals usually for my morning meditation. I find they deeply relax me, making meditation a breeze. I would highly recommend them for anyone looking for a guided meditation!

Make meditation a breeze

I am more at ease throughout the day at home, in traffic, at work, and afterwards. I find more things to enjoy and be grateful for.

At ease throughout the day

All my life I have been a deep thinker, and that has caused me a lot of unnecessary stress many, many times! I credit listening to Paraliminals as the reason why I’m more able to cope with the deep-think/worry spiral — I still think and overthink, but it’s not a straight leap to worst-case scenario

Upbeat mentally and emotionally

I’ve used Paraliminals to help me be sharper and achieve the goal I set. They help me focus on my task. I feel more relaxed and under control.

Relaxed and under control

The Paraliminals in the Ultimate You Library have changed my life for the better. I have enhanced focus and concentration and I can use these Paraliminals to structure my day and my life to my liking.

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