“During a very dark emotional part of my life, in addition to prayer, Paraliminals helped me a lot. New Option Generator, Anxiety-Free, and Self-Esteem Supercharger helped me reroute my brain from emotional desperation (I actually thought of ways to end my life) to rational thought and hope. Now I was never in the depths of

New Option Generator

“I love, love, love Paul Scheele’s voice. When he says ‘You do feel good!’ I really agree. Any Paraliminal I have ever listened to always brings me clarity and calm. My faves are Letting Go and New Option Generator. The sense of personal power and confidence that floods through me is almost hard to describe!”

New Option Generator

“Anxiety-Free has allowed me to pursue a college degree without backing out. Otherwise I tend to waste my time in endless distraction. Also, No Matter What helps to change my mindset from frustrated to calm and self-assured.”

No Matter What!

“I suffered an emotional trauma and could not eat, sleep, or stop crying for over 3 weeks. After cutting out alcohol and sugar and taking a nonaddictive sleep aid, I was able to function, but I could not stop playing the trauma in my mind all day without end. I was so worried that I

New History Generator

“At the time I heard about the Paraliminals, I was not enjoying life. I was mentally and emotionally exhausted. Anger and depression was the theme of the day. Every day. I started listening to New Behavior Generator in the mornings and at night. After a few days I noticed life didn’t get to me quit

New Behavior Generator

“I was battling attention deficit disorder, which lead to overall depression and anxiety. I lost my job and was battling to find my way. The Paraliminals helped to center me, calm my thoughts, and focus, especially New Behavior Generator. I listened to that one so many times, it eventually wore out. Luckily the Learning Strategies

New Behavior Generator