“I made a major breakthrough in my business within just 2 days of starting to listen to the Living the Law of Attraction Paraliminal with Jack Canfield.”

Living the Law of Attraction

“I was hesitant at first to try Paraliminals. However, Hale Dwoskin, a facilitator I enjoy and trust, had one called Letting Go. I tried it and was very pleased with the ease and results. I have since bought other ones and am really enjoying the changes I am experiencing in my life. I listen first

Letting Go

“I listen to the Letting Go Paraliminal in the morning when I wake up. I let go of depleting emotions and thinking and feel capable and energized.”

Letting Go

“I have quite a few Paraliminals which I started purchasing a long time ago. However, one in particular was very helpful, Hale Dwoskin’s Letting Go. Who doesn’t want to learn to let go of negative thoughts and feelings? I listened quite a few times before I really understood the process, but it has been very

Letting Go

“I first listened to Letting Go everyday for a week. I noticed a subtle but profound shift within the first 48 hours, so I kept listening. I felt more mentally relaxed and focused, and I listen now whenever I need a top up.”

Letting Go

“Before Paraliminals, I was addicted to sugar and carbs. After listening to Ideal Weight I no longer consume these items and have no interest in them. I am losing weight and feeling great. I also use the Paraliminal for falling asleep and waking refreshed (Sleep Deeply/Wake Refreshed). I now am waking up earlier, I have

Ideal Weight