“During my process to heal myself this year, I received a Paraliminal as a gift: Happy For No Reason with March Shimoff. I tried it and was astonished with the results. It was the best, easy-to-use inspirational tool I have ever found. Listening to it strengthened my relaxation, mindfulness, resolve, and motivation. I have since

Happy for No Reason

“I use Happy for No Reason anytime I find myself in a funk where I can’t identify any particular reason for the funk. A week straight of listening at least once a day seems to pull me out of it!”

Happy for No Reason

“I have a few Paraliminals but the two I use the most and feel have changed my life the most are Gratitude and Happy for No Reason. I needed more true happiness from within. This Paraliminal has most definitely helped with this. I feel happier, at peace, and content. As for gratitude, it has become


“Everyone needs to be more grateful for what they have and especially me. I recommend the Gratitude Paraliminal to everyone in the world.”


“Two Paraliminals are my favorites. Get Around To It is great because when I get home and am not motivated to get much done, I listen to this and I am quickly able to get up and go. I am truly surprised at what I actually get done, especially those tasks that I don’t like

Get Around To It

“Get Around To It gave me fast results. I was putting some things off that needed to be done. Listened to it one night and the next day took care of the task.”

Get Around To It