I’ve been using Paraliminals for about 6 months, however when my Poodle gave birth to 4 pups and her milk didn’t come we had to set up 24 hours feeding schedule with syringes and formula and Paraliminals. We set out with 2 hourly feeds. The 10 minute Supercharger helped get through. I can say without

10-Minute Supercharger

“I first started using Youthful Vitality Paraliminal when I was having surgery for cancer. I truly felt more relaxed, at peace, and in charge of a healthy body. After my healing I then included other Paraliminals as I would drift off to sleep at night, which has helped me to believe in my dreams and

Youthful Vitality

“When life gets hard, like losing a job, going through a divorce, etc., I found immense resources within for resilience, playfulness, adventure, energy, and more in the Youthful Vitality Paraliminal. I really needed that, and I’m so grateful for it.”

Youthful Vitality

“My life was a mess because I did make the wrong choices. I do deserve better! You Deserve It! helped me to stay positive during a divorce period. I’m so grateful for that!”

You Deserve It!

“When reading material about goal achieving, I ran across a statement that resonated as the truth: ‘You haven’t accomplished your goals because you are not worthy of them yet.’ Wow! Talk about an epiphany! I mulled on that intently and concluded there was no other explanation to my current status in life! Fortunately, I am

You Deserve It!

“Two of the paraliminals that I feel have helped me the most are You Deserve It! and Wealth Motivator. I have been experiencing more sources of income, and feel l deserve the income and appreciation more than before. It just seems that more financial abundance and ease are available to me. Also, I’m seeing more

Wealth Motivator