“I had tried to quit smoking several times. I’d be irritable and unable to concentrate, and I’d start smoking again within a week. This time I listened to Smoke-Free, and I have finally succeeded. Session B of this Paraliminal is extremely important to listen to (after quitting) to quiet the restlessness and enhance motivation to


“I have been thrilled with the progress I am making with the Paraliminals. Self-Esteem Supercharger was fantastic. I noticed a difference on the first day and a substantial change after 3 days. And with Dream Play I am now actually aware that I am dreaming, which is amazing. Can’t wait to move onto the lucid

Self-Esteem Supercharger

“Using the Self-Esteem Supercharger has helped me to remove mental blocks and find solutions to long-standing problems more easily. It has given me more self-confidence generally.”

Self-Esteem Supercharger

“I listen to Self-Esteem Supercharger just before starting work calling merchants to share the value and resources we offer them and to ensure they understand why our products and services are better than our competitors. The Paraliminal gives me the confidence to remember and share more value claims and facts with more merchants. The more

Self-Esteem Supercharger

“I use Paraliminals on a regular basis. I use the Memory Supercharger and Self-Esteem Supercharger while preparing for every event that I lead. I find that by using the Paraliminals, information just flows to me effortlessly. My confidence in front of the crowd is at a point that feels as if “I want to be

Self-Esteem Supercharger

“The 10-minute Supercharger and Recover & Reenergize Paraliminals are standard tools I grab when needing some new energy or restoration during the day. They help without the burn-out of coffee. They help me to recover in a more grounded way than for instance a nap or meditation alone.”

Recover & Reenergize