Amplify the Power of Your Thoughts

Your thoughts have a lot more substance than you might think.

The proof: Researchers found that when people wrote their thoughts on a piece of paper and then threw the paper away, they mentally discarded the thoughts as well. But those who tucked the paper into their pocket were more likely to use them when later making judgments.

The findings suggest that people can treat their thoughts as material, concrete objects, said Richard Petty of Ohio State University, co-author of the study recently published in Psychological Science.

“At some level, it can sound silly. But we found that it really works,” Petty said.

“However you tag your thoughts—as trash or as worthy of protection—seems to make a difference in how you use those thoughts.”

In one experiment: High school students wrote about what they liked or disliked about their bodies. Half of the participants were told to contemplate their thoughts and then check them for grammar or spelling mistakes. The other half were told to contemplate their thoughts and then throw the paper away in a trash can.

  • Those who physically hung onto their thoughts were more likely to use them in forming judgments later when asked to rate their bodies on various scales (bad-good, unattractive-attractive, like-dislike).
  • “As would be expected, participants who wrote positive thoughts had more positive attitudes toward their bodies than did those who wrote negative thoughts,” reported the Association for Psychological Science. “However, those who threw their thoughts away showed no difference in how they rated their bodies, regardless of whether they wrote positive or negative thoughts.”

In another experiment: People were even more likely to rely on their thoughts when they placed them in a safe place. “This suggests you can magnify your thoughts, and make them more important to you, by keeping them with you in your wallet or purse,” Petty said.

When you write something down—whether it’s a thought, intention, or goal—you put your energy into it. It’s like writing a contract to yourself.

And when you know what you want to achieve—and why you want it—your brain will search for ways to make it happen.

Write your goals down. Be very specific. Be positive. And when you’re done, place them in a location important to you. Or carry them around in your pocket or purse to amplify their effect!

To help you gain clarity about what you want to create in your life, listen to the Finding Yourself Paraliminal in the MINDTRX app.

Simply push play, close your eyes, relax, and listen. This closed-eye process activates your "whole mind" with a precise blend of music and words to help you get the most out of every minute.

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