From Overthinking to Emotional Balance

All my life I have been a deep thinker, and that has caused me a lot of unnecessary stress many, many times! I credit listening to Paraliminals as the reason why I’m more able to cope with the deep-think/worry spiral — I still think and overthink, but it’s not a straight leap to worst-case scenario every time (like it has been during various life stages). Being more upbeat mentally and emotionally has a pleasant side-effect of being more upbeat in physical energy. I used to be exhausted or prone to burnout, probably because the mental stress left little else for excitability related to happiness and contentment. Now, even if I feel angry or offended, the seething rage is gone, and as a result my “go-on” fuel isn’t depleted as quickly. Being energized has done wonders for coping with disappointment and the ability to forge ahead, looking forward to something greater and wonderful than the perceived loss.

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