I have done all sorts of programs and modalities for the last 20 years and there is NOTHING like these Paraliminals

I chose Ideal Weight as I’ve been struggling with my weight all my life and particularly the last 10 years. I only listened for about 1 week. However, I have begun to lose a little weight (haven’t been able to lose an ounce despite my diet being exemplary and exercising all my life too!). There is something VERY subtle inside me that is making me change my eating habits and it is absolutely effortless! I am SO grateful. I have done ALL sorts of programmes and modalities for the last 20 years and there is NOTHING like these Paraliminals. What I love most about them is they are unbelievably effortless. YES..that’s my kinda personal growth at last! Thank you. P.S. Paul Scheele your voice is an amazing gift…pure velvet and just listening to it makes me feel loved and special. Thank you so much.

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