I have been trying to lose about 20 pounds for the past year and when I saw the Paraliminal for Ideal Weight and read about it, it just clicked with me that it isn’t just about food. So I decided to give the Paraliminal a try, after all, it couldn’t hurt! I often fall asleep while listening but I noticed immediate results, mainly in my food choices – I have no more cravings – and in the amount of food that I eat at a meal. As a result, I have already lost 5 pounds and have a much better attitude about myself! My coworker asked me to go for a quick lunch today and I couldn’t think of any fast food place that I wanted to go to, so I decided not to go but to eat what I had brought from home. I would never have done that before. I was always ready to go somewhere!
It just clicked with me that it isn’t just about food so I decided to give it a try…

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