Overcoming Travel Anxiety and Problem Solving with ‘New Option Generator’ Paraliminal

“I find the Paraliminals have made me less anxious. In one instance they taught me how to actually find new ways to solve problems. I listened to New Option Generator before I went on a trip to visit my brother in the Louisiana. (I hate traveling alone and wanted to be prepared.) On the way back from my visit, I missed my last connecting flight (due to an airline error), and I found myself in the Minneapolis airport being told by ‘the man in charge’ that I had a 10-hour wait for the next available flight to Winnipeg. Well, I didn’t want to wait that long. And I was too scared to explore a new city by myself. Something inside told me to get up and talk to one of the ladies working at the airline’s terminals. Within 15 minutes the nice ladies found me a flight that was leaving to Winnipeg in half an hour. The ladies located my luggage and put it in on that plane, and I got a first class seat back home to Manitoba. I was so happy that I played some music on my mandolin for the other passengers who were waiting. That Paraliminal taught my subconscious to entertain new ideas to solve my problems such as, ‘Ask somebody who works for the airline!'”

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